About this Blog

Welcome to Ayurvedic Adventures, the travel and wellness blog for anyone interested in one woman’s approach to navigating the unpredictable, ever-captivating, often-frustrating kaleidoscope of beauty that is India. The blog will focus not only on Ayurveda in India, but also on practical tips for your trip including where to shop, what to do, and, most importantly, what to eat.

In recent years, Ayurveda has seen huge growth in popularity in Western countries, with more spas, schools, and practitioners popping up every day. I have read much from both proponents and detractors of this traditional healthcare system, and my opinion is that there is some validity to the arguments on both sides. My aim with this blog is not to argue for either view, but to learn for myself through taking Ayurvedic treatments whether or not they actually work on my health issues. Can the treatments really reverse chronic conditions? Will I feel a difference in my vitality and energy after I undergo the rejuvenating therapies? I don’t yet have the answers to these questions, but I intend to approach any treatment I get with the attitude of an open-minded skeptic, and I’ll honestly share my findings as I gain better understanding.

Interspersed with my Ayurvedic experiences, I plan to have a lot of fun enjoying the cities and countrysides in this incredible country. As a mature woman traveling alone, I can offer advice on safety for women who want adventure but are past the party scene. While India can be dangerous, so can travel in the United States or other first-world countries. It’s all a matter of taking precautions and doing your homework first, so I’ll be providing you with tips on how to enjoy the country on a mid-level budget.